Why do this Learning 2.0 program?
This is a great opportunity to spend time on your personal and professional development. All library staff need to be up-to-date with the latest trends and technology tools that Web 2.0 is bringing us everyday. We need to take time to learn how the tools can be utilised in or by our library. And we will know what our library users, especially younger ones, are talking about!
How does this online learning program work?
This is a self-discovery program that allows participants to take control of their own learning. Participants are encouraged to work together with others in their teams, work areas, or people in other parts of the library and to share their insights and discoveries with others through their blogs and in person. Learning 2.0 at the State Library of New South Wales is web-based and not tied to any particular computer. You can work on this program anywhere you like even in your living room.
Is there any tech support?
We can assist you with the course, but not your computer or Internet connection, for those you will need to contact the Service Desk.
Do any of the activities require downloads?
Most of the activities use Web-based applications that do not require additional downloads or plug-ins to work. It's a good idea to check that you have Flash and sound on your PC to begin with.
Who can participate?
This program is open to all staff at the State Library of New South Wales.
Does it cost anything to participate?
Only your time.
How many staff can participate?
All State Library staff are able to participate. There is no limit to the number of staff from each division who can participate.
Some staff work part time, is it necessary for them to be present each day to complete 15 minutes, or can they double-up on sessions they have missed?
The program is designed so you can do your "15 minutes a day" any time that suits.
You can do it all in a blitz for an hour or so one day a week if that suits rostering requirements better, or set aside two x 30 minute chunks of time to do your learning.
Note -15 minutes a day equals one hour and a quarter per week.
Sometimes a diary reminder on GroupWise will help you to put aside the time you need.
Do I need to register our section or do staff sign up individually?
Staff will register individually as part of the course.
How will you measure my progress?
You will work through the exercises individually at your own pace tracking your progress through a blog you will set up in week 2 as part of this learning process. Please use your blog to write your reactions to the lessons and add any ideas you may have on how to use Web 2.0 tools for yourself and your library. This is your time to experiment, have fun, and learn at your own pace.
Can I blog anonymously?
Yes. Since you control all the information that you share on your blog, you can choose to use a screen name to keep yourself anonymous. We find this encourages people to try out new things without worrying about professional reputations. Your blog name will be posted on your blog, but your "real identity" will not be listed.
Will I be able to see other people’s blogs?
Yes, all participants’ blogs will be linked to the website but you will all be anonymous.
How do I register my blog?
Setting up and registering your blog are two of the activities you will accomplish in week 2. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of registration. We will add your blog to the main Learning 2.0 blog by the title of your blog--check the Participant’s blog list on the sidebar for your blog. This may take a few days, since we must add them manually. We will not list your name; only your blog's name. If your blog has not appeared within 3 business days, email slnsw2.0@gmail.com with your name, the blog name, and URL.
How many passwords will I need?
You will need a gmail account (this will give you access to blogger, and you can can use the same username and password for bloglines). To access Flickr and Yahoo answers you will need a Yahoo e-mail account. All other password or logins are optional so you can get by with two new usernames/e-mail accounts and passwords). You can reuse these passwords for other logins such as delicious, library thing and zoho
How long do I have to complete the program?
Participants who wish to receive a certificate of completion must register their blogs before 30 June and complete all the activities (and blog about each one) by 11 July. Registration begins 14 April 2008.
What if staff take leave and can’t complete the program in the timeframe?
The program will remain on the website until the end of 2008. You will need to contact the project leaders in this case.
How will you know I have completed the course?
The course coordinators will be reading and tracking participants’ blogs.
Can anyone see my blog?
Yes, all participants’ blogs will be linked to the website but you will all be anonymous. Remember you are writing in a public space. Keep the code of conduct in mind.
How much do I have to write in my blog posts?
Each blog post must describe which activity you have completed, what your learning experience was --easy, hard, impossible--ideas on using what you have learned in the workplace and other comments on the process. While we don't expect a ‘chapter’ on every week, we do expect thoughtful reflection and active participation. Single line posts or those that show perfunctory participation will not be counted. Feel free to use dot points. As a guide aim for 150 words for each blog post.
Sometimes it is easier to focus on a particular subject or specialty area for your blog. You may like to concentrate on Web 2.0 examples for adult education, local studies, ESL or anything else that will inspire you to search broadly and experiment.
Explore with the lesson in mind as a guide. This will keep you on track and save time. It is easy to get side tracked into other explorations. Return to them once the main lesson has been processed.
Will there be any training offered on setting up a blog?
There will be optional introductory sessions to help people set up their blogs.
Will there be any other in person training?
Staff are encouraged to work together with others in their section and share with each other their discoveries, techniques and tips both in person and through their blogs. You are encouraged to be resourceful and find a learning advocate (see list below), co-worker or another staff member who can help. Be sure to share your knowledge and expertise too!We will provide helpful hints, encouraging words, and post comments on your blogs from time to time. The Learning 2.0 @ the State Library of NSW team will be available by e-mail to answer your questions.
I noticed some of the activities have a section headed Adventure. What is this and do I have to do it?
The Adventures are there for those participants who are already familiar with that particular activity and want to learn more and/or for those who are intrigued by what they have learned doing the first parts of the activity. The Adventures are all optional; you do not have to do those parts to have completed the activity. If you do one or more of the Adventures, be sure to blog about it!
Who are the members of the Learning 2.0 @ the State Library of NSW Team?
The team leaders are Ellen Forsyth and Mylee Joseph from Public Library Services. You can reach us at slnsw2.0@gmail.com or our regular e-mail addresses. The Learning Advocates are Leanne, Greg J, Jill, Kathleen A, Karen G, Michael T, Ed, Maggie P, Susan H and Anie
25 March, 2008
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